All around the Treasure Valley, we have been finding Elm Trees with reddish galls (they look like a Red Wart) covering the new foliage. Gall is an irregular plant growth which is stimulated by the reaction between plant hormones and insect and mites growth regulating chemicals. The elm gall is found directly on the leaves of the elm tree. The inner walls of the gall provide protection from insecticide sprays, natural predators and provide a source of food for the insect.

Once the gall appears it is almost impossible to control other than by pruning out the infected limbs. Gall does not necessarily affect the overall health of the tree, but does cause unsightly wart like aesthetics on the trees leaves.

The best way to control Gall is by reducing the infestation during the season through an annual proactive tree and shrub care program.

We have specialized programs to meet the needs of your landscape and we have 7 ISA Certified Arborists on staff that can prescribe the right plan for your trees and shrubs.

Please contact us right away, if you are in need of a FREE Arborist Consultation.